e Want To Sound Smart at Parties podcast is kinda like sparknotes, but more fun. Join us each episode for a summary & discussion about your favorite classic books.
We’ve all wanted to do something in our lives that we just didn’t have time for. Play piano, paint, design that little French fusion restaurant back in your hometown, maybe read more? We want to, but generally, life gets in the way
Let us help you. We Want To Sound Smart at Parties podcast takes the trouble out of reading dusty old classic literature and puts it right in your brain, with Infotainment!
Listen as host Taylor Brown tries to explain classic text, Alex Moore provides color commentary and Björn tries to cram this information into his tiny brain. Not just an audiobook cliff notes, the hosts dive deep into things like cultural context, background on the author, and what the book means today, all in a comedic light. A comedy podcast for the book nerd in each of us.
The hosts (mostly Taylor Brown) do all the heavy lifting of actually reading the novel and give you the best breakdown podcast money can buy. Think a mashup between Mystery Science Theatre 3000, the Last Podcast on the Left, and a small-town book club from the ’90s (if your Aunt Ruth was fucking hilarious!).
esident pop culture and current events expert,
Taylor Brown holds down the mantle as the most learned person of the bunch. A UCLA Grad, Taylor’s role is the de facto host of the show and he also has the burden of reading the literature, condensing it down, creating a synopsis, and then explaining it to Alex and Björn.
Alex and Björn will be armed with varying degrees of knowledge of the literature and will try to crack wise the entire episode. More careful with his words than the other hosts, Taylor Brown speaks with a voice of knowledge and authority that makes him a much more reliable source than either Alex or Björn.
Taylor Brown is a musician and filmmaker in Los Angeles.
Taylor Brown

lex is a well-read man and has a beautiful and sincere approach to the material. A reverence and love for the written word, Alex dives into the classics with a passion that can’t help but engage the audience and get them excited about the source material.
Typically Alex will have read or will revisit the book before each episode. Providing thoughtful insight, Alex is able to explain to both the audience and the other hosts why some of these books matter most. He provides color commentary on both the author and the culture at the time of the literature's publication.
Alex is a Poet, writer, avant-garde musician, and man about town in the East Los Angeles art and music scene.
alex moore
jörn arrives at every episode with the least amount of knowledge about the literature, but probably the most to say. Comedy ensues as Taylor Brown and Alex try to explain complicated concepts to him as he is constantly trying to draw lines back to conspiracy, occult, AI, and Aliens.
His role is to be the everyman and provide some comic relief to what can sometimes be serious subjects in these classic novels. There to keep it light and fun, Björn may have a tendency to go off-topic, but the conversation usually comes around in delightful and rewarding ways.
Björn has a BA in Cinema from SFSU that is signed by Arnold Schwarzenegger and is a filmmaker living in Los Angeles.